Gợi ý đề IELTS Writing task 2 ngày 24/10/2020
Cập nhật: 20-02-2022 05:29:03 | Tin tức | Lượt xem: 3726
Task 2: People are living longer after they retire. What are the problems? What can be done to solve the problems?
Từ khóa:
Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa:
People live longer = people’s life expectancy rises = the average life span grows
The increase in the average life expectancy = the growth in the average life span
After they retire = after retirement
Old people = senior citizens = the elderly = elderly people
Gợi ý: Dạng bài PROBLEM – SOLUTION, đối với bài này người viết cần phân tích và trả lời lần lượt từng khía cạnh được hỏi
Đoạn 1: Những vấn đề phát sinh khi ngày càng có nhiều người sống thọ hơn sau khi nghỉ hưu
Ý 1: conflict between individuals can arise when retirees live longer --> e.g. the young who take responsibility for taking care of older relatives may have disputes over their lifestyle and habits (older people may prefer quieter living environment >< young individuals may be in the habit of holding loud parties).
Ý 2: putting a heavier burden on the society --> the state has to allocate more budget to provide medical support for older citizens (many of them are unable to earn enough money to treat their health conditions while not having relatives to rely on) --> higher pension spending together with lower tax revenues (due to the increase in the percentage of retired citizens and the decrease in the proportion of working people) seriously affects the state budget and may hamper the economic growth.
Đoạn 2: Đề xuất một số giải pháp để hỗ trợ giải quyết các vấn đề trên
Ý 1: Governments can increase the role of the private sector in providing better retirement plans for senior citizens --> reduce the financial burden on government spending.
Ý 2: Raising people awareness of the significance of having money management skill and saving plan for retirement --> be better prepared when they reach retirement age --> can take care of themselves without having to depend on their relatives or the government.