Cập nhật: 18-01-2016 02:34:42 | Tin tức | Lượt xem: 6344




Part 1

Study and Work

- Do you work or study?
- What subjects did you study at school?
- What is your future dream job?


- Do you like reading?
- What is the perfect reading place for you?
- Do you like to read alone or with friends?

Part 2

Describe the favourite song of your childhood.

You should say:

- Where and when you heard it for the first time?

- What the song was about
- Why you remember it?
and how you feel about this song now.

Part 3

- Do you think music is important? Why?
- Where do you usually listen to music?
- Many shopping centres are playing music. Why?
- What is the best music to be played in the children’s department?
- When does music become just a white noise in your opinion?
- When is the right time to stop playing music?
- How does music represent your culture?



Part 1


- What is the weather like where you live?

- Do you like cold weather? Why?
- Are there different seasons in your country?



- Are advertisements important?
- Do they help people buy products?
- Do you watch advertisements on TV or the internet?

Part 2

Describe a book you have read recently.

 You should say:

       What the book is

       When you read it

       What it was about

 and whether you would recommend it to others


Part 3:
- What types of books do children read in your country?
- How can we promote reading to children?
- What are the reasons for reading among adults?
- What are the effects of technology on reading?
- Can you compare between reading and watching TV?



Part 1
- Do you live in a flat or a house?
- How long have you been living there?

- Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?


- How much time do you spend on shopping?
- Do you prefer going to small shops or big supermarkets?
- Are there shops that you don't like to go to? Why?


Part 2:

Describe an unforgettable memory you had with a group of people.

 You should say:

       What the occasion is

       When and where it was

       Who you were with

 And explain why it is an unforgettable memory for you.


Part 3:
- Should children go to kindergarten or stay at home during their early years?
- Do you agree that there should be competition at the work place? Why?
- Do you think boys and girls can play together?
- What do you think about being a leader in a group of people?
- What qualities does he/she need to possess?



Part 1:

Studying English

- Do you think your English is good?

- What areas of English do you need to improve?
- What will you do after studying this language?

- Do you like weekends?
- What do you usually do at weekends?
- Do you plan your weekend in advance?


Part 2:

Describe a movie or documentary that you enjoyed and would like to watch again.

You should say:

        What the movie is

        What it was about

        Why you liked it so much

And whether you would recommend it to others.

Part 3:

- Is featuring famous artists important for a movie's success?
- Do you think people in different stages of life will choose different types of movies? Why?
- Do you think that older people like to watch movies of their generation more than modern ones?



Part 1:

Jobs and work

- What do you do?
- What are your responsibilities at work?

- Do you often feel stressed at work?

- What do you prefer, to send text messages or to phone people? Why?
- What is the importance of email in today’s world? Why?

- Do you think email will replace letter writing?


Fruits and vegetables

- How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?
- What is the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet?
- Is it easy to buy really fresh fruits and vegetables nowadays?


Part 2: 

Talk about a situation when a child made you laugh.

You should say:

- When and where it took place

- Who was the child
- What he/she did
And explain why it was funny.


Part 3:

- What is the importance of childhood?
- What is the perfect age to become a parent? Why?
- What are the main qualities of good parents?



Part 1:

Living in a house

- What is your favourite place at home?
- What feature do you like the most about your house?

- Is there anything you don’t like?

- What kind of movies do you like? Why?
- Did you like the same kind of movies when you were younger?
- If you had a chance would you like to make a film?

- Do you like to read books?
- What kind of books do you usually read?
- What kind of books did you read as a child?


Part 2:

Describe a strong disagreement that you had with a friend.

You should say:

- When it happened.

- What the disagreement was about
- How you resolved it.
And what the result was.


Part 3:

- What disagreements do teenagers usually have with their parents?
- What disagreements do children usually have with their peers?
- Do you think being polite is an important cultural aspect? Why?
- Do you think being polite helps in business? How?



Part 1:

At work

- What is the most important part of your job?

- Do you have any problems with your current job?
- What do you enjoy more, the work you are doing or people you work with? Why?

- Do you like reading?
- What type of books do you like to read?
- Can you remember a book that you read in your childhood?
- Do you like giving books to youngsters?

- Do you watch movies?
- What sorts of movies do you usually watch? Why?
- Where do you watch them, at home or in the cinema?
- Would you like to make a film in the future? Why?


Part 2:

Describe a historical building that you have recently visited.

You should say:

- What and where was it?
- When did you visit it?
- What special features attracted you the most?

And whether you liked/ disliked the building.


Part 3:

- What can be done to attract people to visit historical places?
- Would you prefer to renovate historical buildings or to build new ones?
- Who should take the responsibility for repairing historical buildings, the government or individuals? Why?
- Why do you think historical buildings have a significance for people?



Part 1

Do you like museum?
What museums did you visit?
What museum do you like the most? Why?

Do you like taking photos?
When do you do it?
Tell me about the photo of your family which you like the most and why.

Part 2

Describe a meaningful song.

You should say:

- What the song was
- When was the first time you heard it
- What the song was about

And why it was meaningful to you.

Part 3

Do you think music play an important role?

Do you think government should invest in music?
Do you think music can create violence or even making war?
Can people get addicted to music or become violent when they listen to music?
What is the good effect of music?
Does music have any bad effects?



Part 1


Do you care about fashion?

What kind of things do you normally wear?

Are there any traditional clothes in your country?


How important is the internet to you?

How often do you use the internet?

What are your favourite websites?

Part 2

Describe an old person whom you know well and admire.

You should say:

- Who this person is

- Why you know him or her

- What he/she did at a young age.

And what you have learned from him/her.

Part 3

Do you think an old person can always give good advice to a teenager?

Is it better for an old person to live alone or with family?

Can old people teach their grandchildren? Why?



Part 1


Do you like watching TV?

How often do you watch TV?

What are the most popular TV shows in your country?


What’s your favourite food?

What are some traditional foods in your country?

Do you have a healthy diet?

Part 2

Describe a situation where you had to wait for someone for a long time.

You should say:

- When and where it happened

- Whom you waited for

- What happened next

And how you felt about it later.

Part 3

In what situations should people be punctual?

Would you describe yourself as a punctual person?

How important do you think it is to be on time?

  • Địa chỉ: 41 - 45 Lạch Tray, Hải Phòng
  • Tel: 077.871.8888
  • Email: dangky.pec@gmail.com
  • Website: https://pec-edu.vn
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du học PEC
  • ĐC: 45 Lạch Tray, Ngô Quyền, Hải Phòng
  • ĐT: 0225.3.640.690
  • Hotline: 0869.899.368
Cơ sở

Cơ sở 1: 41-45 Lạch Tray, Hải Phòng

Hotline: 077.871.8888

Cơ sở 2: 299 Đà Nẵng, Vạn Mỹ - Hải Phòng

Hotline: 0931.595.589

Cơ sở 3: 149 Tô Hiệu, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng

Hotline: 0966.776.288

Cơ sở 4: BH 04-22, Manhattan 11, Vinhomes Imperia

Hotline: 0934.277.869